Image PubYear Map Maker Country MapTitle Map Price (USD) Picture Link Map Details Zoom
1826Finley, AnthonyUnited StatesUnited States of North America$1,400 Picture Details *
1826Finley, AnthonyUnited StatesUnited States of North America Constructed from the Latest Authorities$3,500 Picture Details Zoom
1832Hinton, John HowardUnited StatesA Geological Map of the United States$350 Picture Details *
1832Hinton, Rev. JohnUnited StatesMap of the United States of America and Nova Scotia$250 Picture Details Zoom
1832Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c.$1,600 Picture Details *
1832Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c.$1,600 Picture Details Zoom
1835Bradford, Thomas GamalielUnited StatesUnited States$200 Picture Details *
1835Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c. $1,350 Picture Details *
1836Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c. $1,350 Picture Details Zoom
1836Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c. $1,350 Picture Details Zoom
1836Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Map of the United States; Showing the principal travelling turnpike and common roads; on which are given the distances in miles from one place to an other; Also, the courses of the canals & rail roads throughout the country, .....$3,500 Picture Details Zoom
1837Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c. $1,350 Picture Details Zoom
1837Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c. $1,600 Picture Details Zoom
1837Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c. $1,350 Picture Details Zoom
1838Bradford, Thomas GamalielUnited StatesUnited States$1,250 Picture Details Zoom
1838Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c. $1,350 Picture Details Zoom
1838Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's Traveller's Guide through The United States. A Map of the Roads, Distances, Steam Boat & Canal Routes & c. $1,350 Picture Details Zoom
1839Phelps & EnsignUnited StatesPhelps & Ensign's Travellers' guide and map of the United States : containing the roads, distances, steam boat and canal routes &c.$1,500 Picture Details Zoom
1840Lapie, Alexandre EmileUnited StatesCarte des Etats-Unis d'Amerique Comprenant une Partie des Districts de l'Ouest et da la Nouvelle Bretagne$30 Picture Details *
1843Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's National Map of the American Republic Or United States Of North America. $2,750 Picture Details Zoom
1843Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's National Map of the American Republic Or United States Of North America. $2,750 Picture Details Zoom
1844Johnston, Alexander KeithUnited StatesUnited States and Texas$1,250 Picture Details Zoom
1846Mitchell, S. AugustusUnited StatesMitchell's National Map of the American Republic Or United States Of North America. $2,750 Picture Details Zoom
1847Perthes, JustusUnited StatesVerein-Staaten von Nord-America...$250 Picture Details *
1847Phelps, Ensign & ThayerUnited StatesMap of the United States from the Latest Authorities$7,950 Picture Details Zoom
1848Gilman, E.United StatesUntitled - United States$1,250 Picture Details Zoom
1848Kemble, W.United StatesMap of the French, English & Spanish Possessions in North America in 1745$160 Picture Details Zoom
1848Wyld, Jr., JamesUnited StatesUnited States of America$1,050 Picture Details *
1849Ensign & ThayerUnited StatesPhelps's National Map of the United States, a Travellers Guide. Embracing the Principal Rail Roads, Canals, Steam Boat & Stage Routes, throughout the Union. $2,500 Picture Details Zoom
1849Ensign & ThayerUnited StatesPhelps's National Map of the United States, a Travellers Guide. Embracing the Principal Rail Roads, Canals, Steam Boat & Stage Routes, throughout the Union. $2,500 Picture Details Zoom
1850Smith, J. CalvinUnited StatesA new map for travelers through the United States of America showing the railroads, canals & stage roads with the distances.$1,800 Picture Details Zoom
1850Smith, J. CalvinUnited StatesA new map for travelers through the United States of America showing the railroads, canals & stage roads with the distances.$1,800 Picture Details Zoom
1851Ensign & ThayerUnited StatesPhelps's National Map of the United States, a Travellers Guide. Embracing the Principal Rail Roads, Canals, Steam Boat & Stage Routes, throughout the Union. $2,500 Picture Details *
1851Streit, Friedrich WilhelmUnited StatesDie Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika…$200 Picture Details *
1851Tallis, JohnUnited StatesUnited States$600 Picture Details Zoom
1852Thomas, Cowperthwait, & Co.United StatesA New Map of the United States$275 Picture Details Zoom
1853Williams, WellingtonUnited StatesA New Map of the United States, upon which are delineated its vast works of Internal Communication, Routes across the Continent &c. Showing also Canada and the Island of Cuba.$2,400 Picture Details Zoom
1855Williams, WellingtonUnited StatesA New Map of the United States, upon which are delineated its vast works of Internal Communication, Routes across the Continent &c. Showing also Canada and the Island of Cuba.$2,400 Picture Details Zoom
1885Brodie, PaulUnited StatesMap showing the locations of the Indian Reservations within the Limits of the United States and Territories $125 Picture Details Zoom

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