Volume II Plate 4 - The Principal Temples at Medinet Habu ~ The ancient Egyptian name for Medinet Habu, in Arabic the "City of Habu", was Djamet, meaning "males and mothers." The holy ground in this area was believed to be where the Ogdoad, the four pairs of first primeval gods, were buried. It became the site of one of the most important temple complexes in Egypt.
Medinet Habu was both a temple and a complex of temples and was one of the earliest places to be associated with the worship of Amun-Re., the "King of Gods". Initially, a small temple to Amun-Re was constructed on the site of an earlier structure by the 18th Dynasty Egyptian rulers Hatshepsut and Tutmosis III. Next to their temple Ramesses III built Medinet Habu's massive monument, the Ramesses III Great Temple. Ramesses III enclosed both the small temple and Great Temple within a massive mud-brick enclosure that included storehouses, workshops, administrative offices, and residences of priests and officials. It's walls over many years became a place of refuge.
The upper rooms of the gate-house functioned as a kind of royal retreat or harem, its walls were graced with representations of the king relaxing with his concubines and wives.
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