Artist biography of Steve McElroy

Steve McElroy is an American artist based in Dallas, Texas. McElroy’s body of work includes over 800 oil paintings and over 1,250 drawings. His original oil paintings are owned by celebrities as well as corporations such as Absolut Vodka and Mercedes-Benz.

Steve McElroy was born in Texas in 1958. Following an eight-year partnership with the Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot from 1988 to 1996, McElroy sold his interest in the company and began to paint for the very first time at age 37. Since that time he has created a large body of original artworks in oil, pencil and India Ink. He is noted for his use of vivid color, bold imagery and for using the finest materials.

McElroy’s paintings almost always portray positive themes, and are largely culled from nature, music, and cultures of the world. His paintings always carry his distinctive and simple signature of his last name, usually on both the front and back of the painting. As a living artist, Steve McElroy is a member of the Artist Rights Society.

BEAUX ARTS GALLERY is located at 1505 Hi Line Drive , Dallas, TX 75207 and can be reached at as well as by phone at 214-741-5555. Founded by Bob Schutze in 1988, BEAUX ARTS provides art and advisory services to individuals and corporations throughout the United States.