(Click links below to see images)


Roberts01 - Side View of the Great Sphinx
Roberts02 - Head of the Great Sphinx, Pyramids of Giza
Roberts03 - The Dromos, or First Court of the Temple of Karnak
Roberts04 - Ruins of a Christian Church in the Grand Court of the Temple of Medinet Abou
Roberts05 - Grand Approach to the Temple of Philae

Holy Land

Roberts003 - Plate 3 ~ The Upper Fountains of Siloam
Roberts006 - Plate 6 ~ The Damascus Gate
Roberts007 - Plate 7 ~ The Tomb of St. James
Roberts010 - Plate 10 ~ Tomb of Zechariah
Roberts016 - Plate 16 ~ The Pool of Siloam
Roberts017 - Plate 17 ~ Entrance to the Tombs of the Kings
Roberts019 - Plate 19 ~ Fountain of Job
Roberts020 - Plate 20 ~ Calvary
Roberts021 - Plate 21 ~ Jerusalem from the Road Leading to Bethany
Roberts025 - Plate 25 ~ Pillar of Absalom
Roberts027 - Plate 27 ~ Fountain of the Virgin
Roberts029 - Plate 29 ~ General View of Nazareth
Roberts030 - Plate 30 ~ The Shrine of the Annunciation
Roberts032 - Plate 32 ~ General View of Cana
Roberts033 - Plate 33 ~ Fountain of Cana
Roberts034 - Plate 34 ~ St. Jean d'Acre, from the Sea
Roberts036 - Plate 36 ~ Cape Blanco
Roberts037 - Plate 37 ~ Port of Tyre
Roberts039 - Plate 39 ~ General View of Tyre
Roberts040 - Plate 40 ~ Ruins of an Ionic Temple
Roberts041 - Plate 41 ~ Sarepta
Roberts042 - Plate 42 ~ Sidon
Roberts043 - Plate 43 ~ Sidon, From the North
Roberts044 - Plate 44 ~ The Citadel of Sidon
Roberts045 - Plate 45 ~ General View of Sidon, Looking towards Lebanon
Roberts046 - Plate 46 ~ Baalbec, General View
Roberts047 - Plate 47 ~ Baalbec, Remains of the Western Portico
Roberts048 - Plate 48 ~ Baalbec, Looking towards Lebanon
Roberts049 - Plate 49 ~ Baalbec, from the Fountain
Roberts050 - Plate 50 ~ Baalbec, The Doorway
Roberts051 - Plate 51 ~ Baalbec, The Circular Temple
Roberts052 - Plate 52 ~ Baalbec, Portion of the Eastern Portico
Roberts053 - Plate 53 ~ Bethlehem
Roberts055 - Plate 55 ~ Shrine of the Nativity
Roberts056 - Plate 56 ~ Hebron
Roberts058 - Plate 58 ~ Ruins of Semua
Roberts059 - Plate 59 ~ Jericho
Roberts060 - Plate 60 ~ Encampment of Pilgrims at Jericho
Roberts061 - Plate 61 ~ Descent to the Valley of Jordan
Roberts062 - Plate 62 ~ The Lake of Tiberius, Looking toward Hermon
Roberts063 - Plate 63 ~ The Immersion of the Pilgrims
Roberts064 - Plate 64 ~ Town of Tiberias, Looking toward Lebanon
Roberts065 - Plate 65 ~ Sea of Tiberius, Looking towards Bahsan
Roberts066 - Plate 66 ~ Tiberius from the Walls
Roberts067 - Plate 67 ~ Jenin
Roberts068 - Plate 68 ~ Askelon
Roberts069 - Plate 69 ~ Ashdod
Roberts070 - Plate 70 ~ Ramla
Roberts072 - Plate 72 ~ Lydda
Roberts074 - Plate 74 ~ Jaffa, Looking South
Roberts075 - Plate 75 ~ Jaffa, Looking North
Roberts076 - Plate 76 ~ The Dead Sea, Looking toward Moab
Roberts077 - Plate 77 ~ Jacob's Well at Shechem
Roberts078 - Plate 78 ~ Tomb of Joseph at Shechem
Roberts089 - Plate 89 ~ The Lower Portion of El Khasn
Roberts090 - Plate 90 ~ Ancient Watchtower
Roberts091 - Plate 91 ~ The Arch Crossing the Ravine
Roberts093 - Plate 93 ~ Tomb of Aaron, Summit of Mount Hor
Roberts096 - Plate 96 ~ Mount Hor, From the Cliffs Encircling Petra
Roberts097 - Plate 97 ~ Conference of Arabs
Roberts098 - Plate 98 ~ Excavation at the Eastern End of the Valley
Roberts100 - Plate 100 ~ The Acropolis (Kusr Faron)
Roberts103 - Plate 103 ~ The Chapel of St. Saba
Roberts104 - Plate 104 ~ Wilderness of Ein-gedi
Roberts107 - Plate 107 ~ Rock of Moses, Wady-El-Leja, Mount Horeb
Roberts109 - Plate 109 ~ Encampment of the Aulad-Sa'id
Roberts110 - Plate 110 ~ Summit of Mount Sinai
Roberts111 - Plate 111 ~ Ascent of the Lower Range of Sinai
Roberts116 - Plate 116 ~ An Ancient Egyptian Temple on Gebel Garabe
Roberts120 - Plate 120 ~ Scene on the Quay of Suez
Roberts122 - Plate 122 ~ Fortress of Akabah
Roberts123 - Plate 123 ~ Arabs of the Desert

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Antique Lithographs of Egypt and the Holy Land by David Roberts